As a child, she never imagined herself in showbiz. After all in Holland, she could hardly picture herself as a famous model in the near future. But dreams do come true with beauty and hard work. Famke Janssen was born on the 5th of November in 1965, Amstelveen, Netherlands. She has two sisters, director Antoinette Beumer and actress MarjoleinBeumer. She studied economics for a year at the University of Amsterdam and later she attended the University of Columbia where she studied literature and creative writing. Famke Jassen became a model during her university years and in order to pursue her career, she left her homeland and joined the race in United States of America. In the early 1990’s Famke Janseen was among the famous faces of the fashion world. She had modeled for Elite Model Management.

There is no denying the fact that Famke is a beautiful woman even if she does not see herself as such. Despite so many years in the entertainment industry, she has managed to stay young. She claims that plastic surgeries are not for her, but it is difficult to believe that she can retain her youthful looks without any medical aid. For someone who is past fifty, Famke Janssen does not look her age. On the contrary, she is a role model for many young women. Rumors have it that Famke Janssen has been using botox in order to maintain her young looks.

Famke Janssen before and afterusing botox injections

Famke Janssen plastic surgery

It is reported that she has either been using Botox injection to rejuvenate her appearance or some other kind of face fillers. Whatever, these things are they seem to work wonders with her. She is becoming young with every passing day. In order to validate our assumptions we compared her recent pictures with her previous pictures and we were able to see that her face seems to be getting younger with time. However, this could be the result of her good beauty routine and a healthy diet.

When Famke Janssen was questioned regarding the allegations, she said that she would stop appearing on camera than getting herself under the knife of a surgeon. She also said that the gravity always works against us and no matter how hard someone tries to fight the aging process, in the end, she/he would lose. Famke even said that celebrities who undergo cosmetics are trying to fight a losing battle and the sooner they realize the better it would be for them.

Famke Janssen before and after plastic surgery

But the important question here is how come Famke Janssen who is reaching her 50’s is able to maintain her looks. When she was questioned regarding the secret behind her getting younger every day, she said in order healthy, she pays close attention to what she eat for example, she does not drink water from plastic bottles because the plastic bottles lead to a buildup of chemicals in the water. Likewise, she does not like eating meat much mostly because she has developed a strong love for animals, especially her dog which happens to be her favorite companion.


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